Kids Life Tuscaloosa July/August 2023 | Page 20

DRUG EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS By Deborah Fweta , Rachel Calcote , Maddi Carter

One of the best ways to prevent children from using substances is through education . Education is a very important tool that we use at P . R . I . D . E . of Tuscaloosa , and we do this through drug education presentations . By giving students a full picture of what the drug is , how it works , and the consequences of said substance , they can make informed and educated choices regarding drugs . By providing them with this knowledge , we are preparing them to handle real-life situations and ensuring they have the facts they need to make safe and smart choices regarding substances .

In most cases , students don ’ t know the true consequences of drugs and have no idea of the long-term effects substance use can have . By providing them with all the possible consequences and real-life stories of addiction and substance use , the hope is that they carry it with them and that it will one day help them to refrain from drug use . The goal of these presentations is to provide students with a safe place to ask questions and address any concerns they may have , and in turn , minimize the chances of students using substances now and in the future . Not only are we providing students with the facts and consequences of drugs , but we also do hands-on learning experiences to show the students first-hand the effect these drugs can have on their bodies .
P . R . I . D . E . of Tuscaloosa seeks to provide an educational and secure space where students can feel free to ask the hard questions and get the answers they need to grow into well-functioning adults . Our education of these students provides them with all the knowledge and resources they need to feel prepared to face the hard situations they may face as they get older .
By working with school systems , families , and other community groups , P . R . I . D . E . of Tuscaloosa is able to educate and create awareness about substance use for students of all ages and help them remain addiction free .