Kids Life Tuscaloosa January/February 2023 | Page 21


By Nannette Cain and Caroline Crownover

Every child is unique ; every family is different . Homeschooling offers flexibility to benefit each person involved … but where to begin ? Prayer would be the first step that many seasoned homeschool moms and dads recommend . In fact , seeking guidance from above is a good idea every step of the way ! And when it comes to the nitty gritty , here are some legal , financial , curriculum , and personal aspects of homeschooling to consider .

The Legal Part
Good news ! These days Alabama really does afford Alabamians complete freedom to homeschool how we choose , per ACT NUMBER 2014 - 245 . There are no requirements regarding curriculum , testing , paperwork , teacher certification , or numbers of school days . Of course , with great freedom comes great responsibility , as Uncle Ben told Peter Parker ( and as Voltaire wrote long before that ). So I am solely held accountable for the education of my child . Some of us handle this well within the household , others need just a little help along the way , and yet others may need mentors to hold their hand and lay out a path step by step . Be encouraged -- what you need is out there !
Organizations to look in to :
Cover schools can provide a support system for many aspects of homeschooling , including record keeping , testing , and graduation . Many , like UCCA , Victory Christian , and Zoe , are affiliated with a local church but welcome other members from our community .
THE , Tuscaloosa Home Educators , provides an umbrella to start or be involved in academic teams or clubs , sports , and social events . They offer a monthly newsletter to share your news and learn of local happenings , plus a formal , a used book sale , a pool party , and a graduation ceremony each year . Members can currently join Robotics Club , Honors Society , and baseball , basketball , cross country , softball , tennis , and volleyball teams for grades 6-12 .
Groups like King ’ s Co-Op , Classical Conversations , and even daytime kids ’ fitness classes at places like PARA can link us up with fellow homeschool parents .
HSLDA , the Homeschool Legal Defense Association , provides legal guidance and defense as needed , a national magazine full of timely articles , plus a Teacher ID membership card .
The Financial Part
You CAN homeschool on a dime . Paper , pencils , colors , a

EDUCATION GUIDE | HOMESCHOOLING www . kidslifemagazine . com