Anxiety and The Autonomic Nervous System
What ’ s a body to do ? Fight ? Flight ? Rest ? Restore ? What determines which way to go ?
The answer to all of these questions lies in the Autonomic Nervous System ( ANS ) . The ANS is the branch of the nervous system that is responsible for control of the bodily functions not consciously directed . It consists of two branches - the sympathetic ( fight or flight ) branch , and the parasympathetic ( rest and restore ) branch . Using an automotive analogy , the sympathetic system acts like the gas pedal and the parasympathetic acts as the brakes .
Life is good when these two systems work in harmony . However , when they are out of balance , symptoms such as insomnia , anxiety , depression , and even suicidal thoughts manifest . Peripheral awareness decreases or even disappears . Sports performance may deteriorate while school and work performance becomes more taxing .
The Neuro-Integrative Evaluation conducted at the Snider Therapy Centers ( STC ) includes tests to assess ANS function . Two areas which provide information include pupil testing and functional visual field testing .
1 . The normally functioning pupil is an example of the ANS in perfect balance . However , a percentage of otherwise healthy patients may have larger-than-normal (‘ dilated ’) pupils which is a direct indicator of an out-of-control sympathetic system . These individuals are in fight or flight mode , which generally indicates chronic stress .
2 . Reduced functioning visual fields are also an indicator of an imbalanced ANS as a response to stress .
Stress ? “ What kind of stress ?” you might be wondering . Here at STC , we are checking for sensory processing stressors - specifically visual , auditory , and vestibular . However , patients may also have a history of physical and / or emotional trauma , toxin exposure , TBI , or food sensitivities , to name a few . The good news is that our bodies have been designed to handle stress . When uncontrolled stress impacts the ANS , we at STC have been blessed to know which tests to conduct and which treatments to offer to restore balance to the ANS .
What ’ s a body to do ? Function in balance and harmony
Since beginning Vision Therapy , Rosemary ’ s anxiety has gone down . She is more aware of her surroundings . Before she would easily get lost in a store or even walk out in front of a car in the parking lot . Her drawing and handwriting have improved . Math has always been difficult for her . She understands concepts in a way she didn ’ t before . She has become less clumsy as her spatial awareness has grown . She is now more of a self-starter .