Kids Life September/October 2024 | Page 14


By Larry Deavers

In a culture so heavily driven by advertising , social media , sports and peer pressure , it may be more challenging than ever to nurture a boy ’ s self-esteem . There can be a tremendous amount of pressure on boys to feel like they are measuring up to the , often , conflicting definitions of what it means to be a man . Parents face growing and unique difficulties in raising young men who are physically , mentally and emotionally healthy .

Let your son know that you are his biggest fan . It has been said that it takes eleven positive statements for a child to overcome one critical one . By offering an environment where the positive acknowledgements far outweigh the corrections , you are helping your son develop a well-balanced image of himself . Praise his efforts and achievements , focusing on specific behaviors rather than general statements . This helps him understand what he did well . You can then add in any corrective feedback , being careful not to overly exaggerate your point and nullify your praise . This will also help him learn to recognize his own positive qualities and to have a reasonable perspective when faced with the criticism of others .
Developing new skills is an important way of feeling capable , competent and worthwhile . Do not be afraid to let him try something new , even if it is not something you would choose . Be conscientious of suggesting and encouraging without pressuring him to make the choices you want him to make . Explore new interests with him and help him find those where he excels . Genuine enthusiasm for something will have a great deal more impact on his self-esteem than doing something simply to please someone else .

Encourage his unique qualities . Communicate to him that it is okay not to travel with the pack . Allow him to make choices and decisions appropriate for his age . This fosters a sense of responsibility and self-reliance . Take the time to talk through his choices with him , asking about the process he used to reach his decision . This helps him understand more about september / october 2024