your financial and relationship goals , as well as how much you need to invest in your own self-care .
LEARN TO SAY NO . We tend to under-estimate the amount of stress we can tolerate . We may sacrifice self-care and time with the important people in our lives so that we can take on more and more , not realizing the damage we may be doing to ourselves . We function best when we maintain a healthy balance of investing energy into our work and our relationships , as well as taking care of ourselves . When you find that you are not in a position to say NO , be willing to ask for help or ask for more time .
BE MINDFUL OF YOUR THOUGHTS . It is the way we allow ourselves to think about circumstances that creates a feeling of uncertainty or anxiety . Even when we cannot affect the circumstances , we can impact the way we view them by what we tell ourselves about them . Instead of defining an undesirable outcome as “ terrible ” or “ devastating ”, change your language to something like , “ That would not be what I prefer , but I would still be okay .” Or , “ That would be difficult , but I could handle it .”
TAKE CARE OF YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH ( SLEEP , PHYSICAL ACTIVITY , EATING ). Physical activity can have a huge impact on your outlook and mental functioning . Getting your heart rate up for even a few minutes each day can boost your energy , lower your stress and improve your mood . Getting adequate sleep by following a consistent nighttime schedule and practicing good sleep hygiene will enable you to be more focuse d , make better decisions and manage your emotions more calmly . Eating foods that are not heavy in fat , calories or sugar can lessen the feeling of being sluggish and improve your focus .
By planning ahead and taking initiative , you can develop healthy physical and mental habits that empower you to deal successfully with life ’ s unexpected . When you keep it going , you will find an increased sense of calm and self-confidence that can respond to nearly any circumstance you will face .
Larry Deavers is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker & Executive Director of Family Counseling Service of West Alabama .
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