Page 11 Toy Safety – a valuable area of expertise for the specialist toy trade “Toxins in toys” or “Alarm in the nursery”… again and again consumers are alarmed by these or similar reports. Banner headlines or whole evenings of detailed discussion are devoted to this issue. Experts debate acceptable threshold values and the feared consequences for our children. The implication is that when people buy toys they bring an incalculable risk into their own four walls, or even worse into their child’s room, in the form of a highly dangerous cocktail of chemicals. The protection of our children is, of course, the highest priority and the declared aim should be to achieve what is technically possible. But it’s precisely the discussions of milligram threshold values, “calculated” risk potential or the mass of logos and instructions on packaging that is undermining the confidence of consumers longterm. Sometimes it’s the “thrift is cool” mentality as well, or simply seeing it from the wrong perspective, that induces people to buy toys that are not safe. Safety is not just the result of a product passing all the prescribed tests in a laboratory – that’s the basic prerequisite – knowing what is safe is much more a question of information, communication and explanation… all of which present toy retailers with opportunities on different levels. How safe are toys today? The new European Toy Safety Directive defines more precisely than ever before the technical properties of toys, the requirements in terms of materials and product characteristics and the chemical parameters for many substances that are a danger to health. But also the obligation of players in the supply chain has increased and imposes on everyone involved in the European toy trade a greater responsibility to ensure that products on the market are safe and thus to ensure the safety of children. We can say that overall the directive is a step in the right direction and that toys in the retail trade are safe – irrespective of their country of origin. At this point, we won’t go into the ways in which individual issues in the new directive could and should be improved, and Internet trade from unknown sources or selling in budget outlets are also not considered here. The first part of a clear message to the customer. Manufacturers and retailers who take their obligations seriously accept this challenge with great commitment and a high degree of responsibility. And where these economic players regard it as important and right, they go beyond the stipulations and produce or sell toys that meet significantly more rigorous standards than those required by the directive. Part two of the message. Harmful substances have no place in toys – that much is beyond debate – but the customers would like to hear once again clear and explicit statements that they can buy toys without worrying, because responsible manufacturers and retailers guarantee they are safe and communicate this message. Threshold values Better! Who knows? Potential customers for toys have more opportunity today to see and hear discussions held in public about threshold values and harmful substances. Whether it’s about a total ban on diisodecyl phthalate for under three-year-olds or the toy being contaminated with nonylphenol ]?[]\?8?$?HX?X?\?[?^\??\?[? ?????X[?H?\???X?HX[?Y?X?\?\??[??]Z[\??H?\???[Y\???\??[???\?[??\?X?]?\?\?K\??H]?H[?XYH\??\??Y ??Y\]X]K??^H\?H??[?\?[HY?[???]??^\?[???\?[??HX\??]?Y?KY? \]X[]H[??][? 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