Kids India KidsIndiaMag_Issue_V | Page 4

SAY GOODBYE TO SHELF WARMERS! 4 TIPS ON HOW TO SELL OVERSTOCK Certain product categories are particularly susceptible to becoming shelf warmers. They include pro- motional and seasonal goods as well as licensed merchandise linked to film releases. The latter are particularly common in the toys sector and can be particularly difficult to plan for. Depending on the in- dustry, various ways have evolved to deal with these goods. The fashion industry thrives on sales cycles of its related merchandise. The fashion industry has long attuned itself to season- al business. Cyclical sales of fashion collections are now the norm. However, in order to avoid excessive price erosion, higher-quality labels have turned to other strategies, ranging from limiting the number of goods at the end of the season to private shopping. The aim is to keep the value of the goods high, i.e. not to sell off branded goods at a loss. SO WHAT METHODS TO DEAL WITH OVERSTOCK AND SLOW -SELLING PRODUCTS ACTUALLY EXIST? Peculiarities of the toy industry The toy industry has its own cycle with one major sales period in the year. But surprisingly, the market forces in this sector act contrary to what one might expect: before Christmas, retailers underbid each other to obtain a larger piece of the toy sales cake. Licensed toy articles lead a life of their own. Their suc- cess is linked to the success of the film, book or TV series. If, for example, a film becomes a hit in the cine- mas, sales of the licensed merchandise are likely to be correspondingly high. Depending on the licence in question and the efforts of the licensor, the merchan- dise may spread well beyond the film. This means that retailers can, therefore, keep on selling the licensed products. However, the opposite also occurs again and again. Both the film and its merchandise fall short of expectations. And after the film has done the rounds of all the cinemas, the warehouses are still full Page 02 | Kids India Mag Issue V : August 2018 SALES METHODS FOR RETAILERS One thing that is recommended for retailers is that they organise special campaigns in good time, i.e. themed sales and "flash sales" that put the merchan- dise at their centre. When it comes to licensed prod- ucts, this may take the form of themed tables and events that are linked to the hype relating to the brand. Retailers would be advised to accept or even plan that they will be "out of stock" rather than miss the main selling period because they organised their sales campaign too late or thought it would last longer. Because there's nothing more annoying than sinking money into re-orders of what will eventually become the shelf warmers of the future. Flexible pricing with promotions When you're running a promotion, you have more of a free hand when it comes to pricing products – without causing any harm to the brand and the product value itself. Customers understand that products will be more expensive after the promotional period. Such campaigns attract customers' attention and offer ad- ditional marketing potential.