Kids India KidsIndiaMag_Issue_1 | Page 8

lation, with India set to overtake China as the world’s most populous country in the next few years. An additional, and perhaps more valuable advantage India has is the established high volume moulded plastic supply chain. India is the world’s number 5 car exporter, and nearly every major car brand has signifi- cant production in India, from Mercedes Benz to JCB, from BMW to Honda or Hyundai, you will find massive car plants in several regions of India, along with $billion supply chain companies. India has vast moulded plastic expertise, as so much of the interior of cars is moulded plastic these days. Somewhere in the region of 25 million people work in India’s automo- tive industry. Therefore, toy production facilities have sprung up around the automotive hubs, especially near Mumbai & Chennai. India has two further significant advantages for toy manufacturing – due to much lower labour costs and advanced automotive lean manufacturing/engineer- ing disciplines, typical ex-factory costs in India are around 10% cheaper vs China (on average & in my experience of quoting manufacturing). The other major advantage is India’s labour law & local regulations are much more protective of the worker versus China for instance. Therefore, Indian factories Page 06 | Kids India Mag Issue: July 2017 tend to breeze through critical toy industry audits including ICRI, Walmart FCCA & licensor audits such as Disney. Finally, as nearly all Indian business people speak English (albeit with a bit of an accent), communication can be easier versus some other toy producing countries. The challenge for those looking to harness Indian toy manufacturing is that there is no one place to go, nor is there really the same established industry ‘scene’ as Hong Kong offers for China. Therefore, Kids India is likely to be the best place to meet potential new suppliers and to investigate the market in general! Steve Reece is a leading Toy industry consultant. He runs Kids Brand Insight a company which advises toy companies around the world and also Toy Team India, a consultancy business which helps toy companies find Indian toy manufacturing and helps Indian vendors enter the toy market & recruit new customers. /