Kids India KidsIndiaMag_Issue_1 | Page 14

COMFORT FOR VISITORS To impart correct and precise information is surely the prime objective of Kids India but the safety, security and comfort of visitors is of utmost importance. There- fore the whole planning of the show is commenced keeping in mind a visitor’s as well as an exhibitor’s convenience. Location has been chosen keeping in mind the easy accessibility for the visitors. Public transport is conve- niently available and if you are bringing your own car, there is ample space for parking available. Since it is an indoor event, visitors and exhibitors need not worry about any wrath of Indian weather, be it heat or rain. Since it is strictly a business to business trade fair, the fair days for the show i.e. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday have been specifically kept so, in order not to disrupt the business of retailers or traders during the busiest business days of the week i.e. the weekend and even as a visitor, one would prefer working on the weekdays rather than weekends as everybody Page 12 | Kids India Mag Issue: July 2017 deserves the weekend for themselves and their family. A perfect convergence of innovative products, ideas, panel discussions and special areas make Kids India the toy industry’s most sought after platform for networking and knowledge sharing. Block your calendar today and don’t miss this unique opportunity! FAIR DETAILS: Profile: B2B trade fair for toys Date: 20 to 22 September Venue: Bombay Convention and Exhibition Center, Goregaon, Mumbai Visitor Profile: Trade Visitors above 18 years