Simple , intuitive , aids application and highly engaging . Not only does it help young learners learn math but also improves decision making , communication and promotes healthy competition .
Why parents and teachers love it is because kids end up doing math without even realizing they ’ re learning . It ’ s as engaging as giving them a screen but minus the illeffects . Why kids love it is because studying is replaced by games with friends and family . It ’ s a win-win for everyone . Families regularly tell us how much they enjoy this quality time together , how their kids don ’ t want to go back to worksheets and insist on playing this game to practice math before exams .
Similarly our latest launch , Crafty Puggles5 , is a tileplacement game that requires the players to apply strategy and knowledge of basic fractions to find hidden treasure . The cute characters and graphics bring the kids to the table but they end up leaving with a host of skills .
Our next set of games are focused on the United Nations ’ Sustainable Development Goals where we plan to teach kids relevant skills like segregation of waste , climate change and carbon neutrality through family board games .
At the beginning of our journey at Luma World , we put a great emphasis on building a very strong team . Our passion for education is the driver to create and design unique solutions for aspirational and conscientious families around the world . Most of all we love playing games !
We would urge the fellow entrepreneurs to find something you are passionate about , believe that you can bring about constructive change and dream big ! Most of all , the biggest investments you can make are with your time and in your team . Use your time judiciously and build a likeminded team that possesses the skills that you lack . We can build something by ourselves but if we want to build something great we have to do it together !
Sources and References :
Tejasvi Bongirwar Musale Co-founder & CEO Luma World
1 . https :// www . researchgate . net / publication / 251757495 _ Learning _ to _ Play _ Playing _ to _ Learn _ A _ Case _ Study _ of _ a _ Ludic _ Learning _ Space
2 . http :// bweducation . businessworld . in / article / COVID-Sees-Parents-Bet-On- Beyond-Curriculum-Learning-For-Their-Kids / 12-01-2021-364499 /
3 . https :// www . education . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / mhrd / files / NEP _ Final _ English _ 0 . pdf
4 . https :// publications . aap . org / pediatrics / article / 119 / 1 / 182 / 70699 / The- Importance-of-Play-in-Promoting-Healthy-Child
5 . https :// lumaworld . in / collections / educational-toys-for-kids / products / galaxyraiders-best-board-game
6 . https :// lumaworld . in / collections / educational-toys-for-kids / products / craftypuggles
Page 16 | Kids India E-Magazine - March 2022