and media : In many cases it is not the parents who are helping their children , but the other way around . Alwayson and influenced by their smart devices , kids are helping older family members to solve more challenging tasks on the net .
Toy manufacturers becoming platform providers
This situation presents an opportunity for toy manufacturers : With safe web platforms for children and teens , they can take over responsibility and at the same time increase brand loyalty of their youngest end customers . Lego decided to go this way and launched the platform Lego Life in 2017 , which young builders can use to post their models and ideas and interact with each other .
The service , which the company claims is a “ safe social network for children under the age of 13 ” is accessible via a free app for iOS and Android . The platform features security functions such as authenticated parental consent . Furthermore , each post is checked by Lego ’ s own team of moderators , and there are no real names or profile pictures . A big difference to the big social media channels : instead of being at risk of receiving hate comments , the moderated communication ensures a friendly and positive atmosphere . In addition , kids are made aware of the significance of online security by the character Captain Security : For example , they are warned to not reveal any personal information . While creating the network , Lego even worked with the United Nations ’ Children ’ s Fund , UNICEF .
Security for digital toys
The issue of digital security is especially important for toys which build upon the corresponding technologies themselves . Particularly in the areas of educational toys and STEM , but also with interactive and networked products and media toys , there are numerous interfaces with the Internet . Among others , Ingrida Milkaite and Eva Lievens of the Belgian University of Gent addressed the relevant challenges for the protection of the personal data of children and teens at a workshop held by the Digital Freedom Fund ( DFF ) in Berlin 6 .
Pebble Gear 7 showed awareness for the topic with their latest Kids Tablets for children between the age of 3 and 8 : The tablet computers for ( pre- ) school students in the Disney designs Mickey and Friends and Disney Pixar : Cars are designed to be a safe way of entry into the digital world for kids . In particular , this involves control functions for parents enabling them to keep track of the content their children consume and how long they are active online .
Peter Thomas Technology Journalist Germany
Sources :
1 Cf .: Lego- press release of 24 June 2020 . 2 Cf .: http :// eukidsonline . net 3 Cf .: https :// ico . org . uk / about-the-ico / news-and-events / news-andblogs / 2020 / 01 / ico-publishes-code-of-practice-to-protect-children-sprivacy-online /
4 Cf .: https :// www . intgovforum . org / multilingual / content / dynamiccoalition-on-child-online-safety-dccos 5 Cf .: https :// isc2-center . my . salesforce . com / sfc / p / - G0000000iVSt / a / 0f000000fyoc / TYQ9XvDATBA78rR00G . PGJ9fmaLm1vQfAW9HCpy3GWk 6 Cf .: https :// digitalfreedomfund . org / towards-a-better-protection-ofchildrens-personal-data-collected-by-connected-toys-and-devices / 7 Cf .: Pebble Gear- press release of 17 November 2020 .
Pebble Gear Kids Tablet
Page 18 | Kids India Magazine - Dec 2021