The Journey Of Finding A RP Family

By ZaniyahK

Kiddie Magazine wants to give you the full perspective of what RP kids really want in a RP parent. So I sat down with a regular RP kid to get a feel of what really goes on in the process of selecting parents and as well as being selected. I invited RP family hopeful Guest_lllzykiahlll to chat with me about what it is she's looking for in a family.

ZaniyahK: Hello and welcome to Kiddie Magazine, where kids come to get in the know, happy to have you here. Let’s began with your avatar age.

How old are you?

Guest_lllzykiahlll: I RP as age 5.

ZaniyahK: You are looking for a family and can you tell us what is it that you looking for in a family?

Guest_lllzykiahlll: I want fun and loving parents. A family that I can take pictures with and enjoy myself.

ZaniyahK: Do you prefer a single parent or a mom and dad? Do you mind if they have any other kids?

lllzykiahlll : A mom and dad and no I wouldn't mind as long as we all got along well.

ZaniyahK: Can you roleplay?

Guest_lllzykiahlll: Yes. It has taken me a while to get use to it but I think that being more detailed when I write while I am roleplaying helps a lot.

ZaniyahK: If you had to rate your roleplaying skills on a scale from 0-10, how would you rate your roleplaying skills?

Guest_lllzykiahlll:I: I would rate it high because I am just confident.

ZaniyahK: Haha good answer.

ZaniyahK: For those that are reading this, it could be a kid that’s looking for a sister. What would you like them to know about you?

Guest_lllzykiahlll: Well I’m nice and loving and fun. I just want a family that can be the same.

ZaniyahK: Ok, great! I truly enjoyed talking with you, and I wish you luck on your family search.