Kiddie Academy's 2016 Educational Gift Guide Part I Educational Gift Guide Part I | Page 6

Talking to your kids about giving Research shows that children whose parents talk to them about giving back were 20 percent more likely to give to charity than parents who did not discuss giving with their children at all. Parents who speak with their young children about giving can positively influence their children's philanthropic behavior later on in life. Here are some tips for talking to your kids about giving this holiday season: CONSIDER AVOID TALK AT THE OFFER THE OTHERS BLANKET TABLE EXPERIENCE The dinner table is a Sometimes, seeing great place to start is believing. Offer a discussion about your child the giving. opportunity to STATEMENTS Young children have a tendency to approach life from a point of selfishness. They have a strong center of self inherently, but they also have an innate sense of compassion. Just explaining to children that we give "because it's the right thing to do" might further confuse them. Try framing the act of giving in context of how their action will Try prompting your child experience a with a conversation charitable act. starter like, "how Younger children can we give to might be able to others without help bag lunches for spending money?" a soup kitchen while directly benefit or Try talking to them about how their help someone who needs it. various actions will affect older children can Table-time rake an elderly conversations will neighbor's yard. lay the foundation For example, "when for positive The whole family experiences and can get in the discussions later on kitchen together when you're not at and make a dish for home. As a soup kitchen. Get opportunities involved together as present themselves a family giving back in the real world, in a way you're both reinforce what comfortable with how others might you've talked about and passionate benefit. at home when the about. others. Simplifying the discussion with a cause-and-effect formula, children can start to learn a direct correlation between their contributions and you make a dish for the soup kitchen, more people are able to eat dinner when they maybe wouldn't have had anything else to eat." time comes.