Remember the
last time you had
a cold or the flu
It was pretty miserable.
You sneezed, coughed and
had no energy. But there’s
an easy way to avoid
getting the flu again: Just
join little farmers Scrub
Sing Along!
Wash, Wash, Wash
Your Hands
(Sing to the tune of "Row,
Row, Row Your Boat")
Wash, wash, wash my hands,
Make them nice and clean. Rub
the bottoms, and the tops,
And fingers in between.
Did you know - Doctors all
around world agree that
the best way to avoid
getting sick and spreading
germs is to wash our
Wash your hands before
eating, after using the
bathroom, when you come
inside from playing. when
you’re finished in the
garden and especially
after using compost
always remember to wash
your hands.
Join our Kid Farmer
Scrub Squad.
It’s easy to join: You join
automatically every time
you wash your hands!
bubbles can you
find on this page?
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