Kicking AWOL August 2200 | Page 7

Now it's time to earn your keep...

You will be asked if you have any prior work experience, special skills, or preferences before you are assigned a position in The Graveyard. When you go in for your interview be prepared to answer these questions and have any questions prepared that you may have about the jobs to choose from. Listed below are the following field options available to you and the skills that they require:

Medical Staff-

•Ability to handle traumatic scenarios/situations

•Steady hand

•Realistic personality

•Basic knowledge of treating cuts, lesions, burns, broken bones

•Basic knowledge and treatment of well-known ailments: cold, flu, pneumonia, dehydration, asthma


•Ability to read and understand recipes and the given measurements

•Ability to use what resources you have to make edible and safe food

•Basic knowledge of how to make food sanitary (boil water, cook meat to proper temperature, refrigerate dairy products, etc.)


•General knowledge of the English language

•Good time management

•Good communication skills

•Ability to give an unbiased opinion


•Minimum of a sixth grade education


•Good organizational skills