Kicking AWOL August 2200 | Page 3

Table of Contents

Survival Tips ............. 4

These helpful tips will help you survive even the most dire of circumstances throughout your journey.

Graveyard Jobs ......... 6

Helping you to decide which field of work will best suit you during your time at The Graveyard.

Akron AWOL .............. 8

He's at it again! What's he up to now?

Eating Roadkill ........ 10

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Eating roadkill isn't as bad as it sounds. Here are seven steps that will have you on your way to a savory meal!


Haylet Barringer

Chelsea Guerrieri

Hannah Janes

Jason Kincer

Ask your safe house host for your free survivial kit today!

* Limited time offer, while supplies last