Kiawah Island Digest February 2020 | Page 3

MEMBER COMMITTEES Finance Committee Explores Annual Audit Wednesday, Feb. 26 | 3 p.m. | Beachwalker Center Are you curious about your association’s finances? While monthly and annual financial statements are always available online at, you can find out more by joining your fellow KICA members at a Finance Committee meeting. Finance Committee chair and KICA board treasurer Dave Morley commented to Digest on the importance of the committee. “The finance committee is made up of members of the community and their charge is to review budgets, financial reports, financing decisions, investments and investment policies and provide recommendations to the board. This important activity enables the board to fulfill its responsibility as the financial fiduciary for the association.” All community members are welcome to observe these meetings. Each meeting focuses on an important association topic, such as insurance, DAVE MORLEY, KICA TREASURER AND FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIR investments or the budget. Attendees may also get a look at year-to-date financial performance, updates on association projects and more. On Wednesday, Feb. 26, the committee will meet at Beachwalker Center to hear the results of KICA’s 2019 outside financial audit, which takes place annually. Stop by to get an in-depth look at your association’s financial position. KICA IDENTITY Refreshed Branding Represents Community You may have noticed that KICA has made a few changes to its visual identity and mark. Don’t worry—the Kiawah Island script still represents Kiawah Island, the place we all love, and it very much remains our parent brand. But since the script is also embedded in the logos of numerous island entities and events, a more unique visual identity helps people to understand who does what and who KICA is. surrounding waterways. In the spirit of who we are, we felt it important that the word “community” be prominently featured, and to use a mark (the shorebird) representative of the island’s most treasured asset, the beach and You’ll start seeing this logo and shorebird mark roll out on the island throughout 2020. We’re excited to give KICA a more distinctive feel while honoring its legacy as a Kiawah family entity. KIAWAH ISLAND DIGEST | 3