KIA&B September/October 2021 | Page 6


N O W P A Y I N G A G E N C I E S 1 5 % O N N E W P E R S O N A L U M B R E L L A P O L I C I E S A N D 1 3 % O N R E N E W A L S
Market conditions may require agents to place home and auto coverage with separate carriers to the provide their customer with the best solution for their insurance needs . RLI ' s stand-alone umbrella provides a competitive product for increased limits of liability .
KAIA members have the ability to access RLI ’ s rating platform for quick turnaround and to efficiently offer quotes .
Offering a personal umbrella quote to every customer is an excellent way to round accounts and limit E & O exposure .
Learn more about RLI and let KAIA / ASCK be your access point for this valuable product . Contact Beth Smoller at Beth @ kaia . com with your questions .

kaia . com / asck-market-access