This is what many of us are programmed to want .
CURRENT “ BEST PRACTICES ” I recommend you consider taking the following approach concerning texting :
▸ Do you want to be relevant to your client base ? If so , then you must embrace this technology .
Set standards and best practices . These are no different than handling face-to-face conversations , phone calls , emails , etc . Your standard should be that all conversations with the client or others about the client ’ s account are to be documented .
Be pro-active and determine how to receive texts at the agency level best and educate your staff and clients .
If your client and someone in your agency are friends , there will inevitably be a text on a personal phone . Define , train , and implement the process to get this moved to an agencylevel as quickly as possible .
I don ’ t see any more errors & omissions exposure in receiving and responding to texts than in phone calls , emails , or face-to-face conversations . The biggest issue I believe agencies have is how to make this format work for them as seamlessly as possible .
FORWARDING TEXTS TO EMAIL Here are some thoughts I have on this process that I have picked up from users who have already addressed this issue :
As soon as the initial text is received on a personal phone , please forward it to your business email address . Text a response back to the client from your business Outlook account . The client ’ s text response will come back into the email , which will let you accumulate the conversation stream , which can then be attached to the agency management system .
Some phones will allow you to capture an entire text conversation . In this case , it could be acceptable that the conversation continues on that phone and then be captured and sent to the business email address for attachment into the agency management system . This would be the best approach when the conversation is just a question and answer session . Everyone in the agency needs to learn how their specific phone works for text forwarding :
a . iPhone - Another approach is to take a picture of your iPhone screen when the text is showing , by pressing the on / off button on the top simultaneously with the application change button on the bottom front of the phone . This approach creates an image of the entire text message , and the picture can then emailed to your Outlook account .
b . Android Phones - Each manufacturer handles this differently , and I find some differences within a manufacturer between their phones . It is best to check the operating information for your specific phone for this function .
SENDING TEXTS FROM EMAIL Microsoft Outlook can be used as a tool to manage text messaging with your client . There are several steps to setting up and implementing the use of Microsoft Outlook . However , like anything else that you do , if you invest the time to research , implement , and train a process , the rewards will be great .
The best place to start the research is on the web at Set Up text messaging ( SMS ) in Outlook . Microsoft has done an excellent job explaining the options available for using Outlook and providing lots of screenshots .
IMPLEMENTING AN AGENCY TEXT ADDRESS I also recommend that the agency implement a way to receive text messages directly . I understand from my tech friends that many VoIP phone systems can have a number set up for receipt of text messages . I am also advised that this works differently with every system and that you will need to work with your phone system provider to get this set up and implemented . Once set up , someone in your