Court struck down the statutory Cap on non-economic damages in personal injury cases . In its decision on Hilburn v . Enerpipe , a trucking accident case , the Court ruled that the Cap violates the right to trial by jury in Section 5 of the Kansas Constitution Bill of Rights . The business community , including the KAIA , is actively considering potential legislative remedies to the Hilburn decision . In place of a direct fix through a constitutional amendment , the business community has worked on legislation to make the pursuit of lawsuits less enticing for plaintiffs ' attorneys . Look for legislation in the 2022 Session that will include
A . a cap on attorneys ' fees ;
B . additional limitations and notification requirements on attorneys ' advertisements ; and
C . a prohibition on third-party funded lawsuits .
Self-Storage Tenant Insurance . In 2017 , Senate Bill 14 was signed into law , giving self-storage operators in Kansas the ability to sell tenant insurance and collect premiums with rent . The law includes a provision that allows the insurance commissioner to authorize the fingerprinting of license applicants for background checks . Still , the final version did not have a requirement to complete CE . The law requires that anyone selling the tenant insurance must be licensed . The Kansas Self Storage Association is interested in pursuing legislation that would relax that standard in some fashion . KAIA is in ongoing discussions with the Self-Storage Association about the legislation .