MANAGE & LEAD control . Be prepared to pay high salaries and bonus incentives to get the right people . IF YOU PAY AT THE MEDIAN , YOU HIRE MEDIOCRITY . On the other hand , highly skilled , highly motivated innovators are always worth their weight in gold and bring returns in customer retention and loyalty , and cross-selling , as well as in sales
2 . GET RID OF THE DRONES " But Sally has been with the agency for 25 years ! We can ' t just let her go !"
That statement is absolutely correct if Sally ( or Sam ) changes with the changing needs of the business . Loyalty is a rare and valuable commodity . However , suppose the employee stopped changing as soon as s ( he ) learned how to answer the phone and process transactions . In that case , you do not have a 25-year veteran employee – you have a one-year employee – repeated 25 times .
The agency business has changed considerably in over 30 years and that change is only accelerating . Every agency that does not change with the industry is doomed to be merged into another , more aggressive business . That is not a bad thing ; it is the survival of the fittest . All you have to do is decide if you are flexible and change-oriented enough to be one of the ' acquirers ' rather than one of the ' acquired .' Why , then , can we accept that agencies that do not change will eventually disappear , but are not willing to consider the termination of employees who hold the agency back ?
It is not a declaration of war . It is not meant to wholesale terminating employees who have been with you ( unproductively ) for years . It is intended to cause you to approach those employees with the ultimatum , " Shape
- Kansas Agents -
AmTrust offers customized Workers ’ Compensation coverage for a wide range of Kansas businesses - from local mom-and-pop shops to larger organizations . Agents love our fast online quoting system , the WC credit slider and the ability to bind a policy in minutes .
Learn more at www . amtrustfinancial . com