KIA&B November/December 2020 | Page 25


By : Kristy Wilson
Here we are in the last quarter of 2020 . I ’ m not sure how that is even possible , but as daunting as this year has been , it seems like it has gone pretty quickly .
I mentioned in my last article that the KAIA board has been going through some strategic planning . We have analyzed information from the membership survey . Providing our members with as much valuable information and resources is our number one priority . In going through the strategic planning process , we are setting many goals that we want to reach . Goals can be elusive little critters if you don ’ t really put some thought into them . I have set goals for myself before , and I might stick with them for a few weeks or even a month or so , but then they seem to trail off ( I know I can ’ t be alone with this issue !)
Goal setting is very important , but you must make sure there are certain characteristics in your goal . Most of you have heard of SMART goals . Specific-Measurable- Attainable-Relevant-Time Bound .
Specific : When you are setting your goals , you have to nail down specifically what you want to achieve . Sometimes we can be too basic in our goal setting , and this first step , I feel , is the most important . Be very specific .
Measurable : After you set the specific goal , you want to make sure you can measure it . If you have a percentage of new business , include that number . If you wish to contact a certain number of people , be sure and include that . These are ways that you can measure your success and see if you are meeting your goal .
Attainable : The next step is to make sure that your goal is
achievable . Be realistic in what you are wanting to achieve . Don ’ t set yourself up to fail but make sure you are making the goal something that is going to push you .
Relevant : Having an appropriate goal is something you want to consider . Is the plan lined up with your company ’ s overall goal ? You want to ensure the goal is going to provide benefit .
Time-Bound : Lastly , including a time frame in your goal will keep you more focused . Having a deadline can make us feel a little more pressure to work towards the goal . There is no right or wrong time to set goals for yourself personally or in your business . What matters is that you try to select the right goals by prioritizing what is the most critical or important ones short term . You may have other goals that are more long-range , which are fine but still follow the SMART guidelines .
The final product of our strategic planning meetings will be a list of goals . We will revisit these throughout the months ahead to make sure we are on track to achieving success !
KAIA Board of Directors president , Kristy Wilson , CIC , CISR , joined Kellerman Insurance in 1992 and focuses in Commercial and Life insurance policies . Outside of the office she enjoys spending time with her husband , Rob , and their two daughters : Kaylee and Samantha .