KIA&B November/December 2020 | Page 23

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• INFLUENCERS : Many brands have turned to influencers for their expert ability to churn out eyecatching , on-point social media content from home in record speed .
• B-ROLL CONTENT : Many brands have leaned into their B roll ( alternative ) content . They ’ ve given it a fresh new take with creative cuts and added animation to make it relevant . Presto ! Timely and actionable , on-demand content .
2 . VALUES-BASED MARKETING Trust is especially critical during this time . As a result , many brands are going back to the basics to demonstrate their core purpose . They are focusing on serving their customers and offering meaningful messaging and action wherever they can .
Nobody wants to be “ sold to .” But we want to know what
is out there to make our lives better or solve a problem . In good times , marketers often ask consumers to make a purchase , but in this turbulent time of instability , continually pushing the sale may seem tone-deaf to the consumer .
With many consumers facing financial instability , marketers turn to what matters most : connection , shared values , and community . Providing a word of compassion , a laugh , or a connection moment says , “ we ’ re here , and we ’ re part of your community .”
Yes , it lacks the direct mention of a purchase and may draw a lower conversion rate in the short term . Nonetheless , you ’ re building loyalty and may earn a subsequent return as your customers find their footing and come back to purchase from those who were there during the tough times .

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