Hopefully , this will help you have productive conversations with customers about increases in premiums . Insurance is tricky : in what other industries do companies not know their final costs until AFTER their product is sold ? Actuaries do a great job in trying to predict total loss costs , but they are up against mother nature and that is a tough battle to win . The good news is in times of rising pricing and changing policy terms the value of independent agents becomes even more beneficial to customers .
It is important for agents to have a global view of the industry and that is why KAIA and the Big “ I ” continue to offer resources like the Annual and Quarterly Marketplace Reports to help you inform and manage your customers ’ risk management programs .
Kansas Direct Written Premium Growth 2021 Q2 vs Q2 2022
2021 Q1 vs Q1 2022
2021 + 9.1 % + 13.2 % 11 % United States Direct Written Premium Growth
2021 Q2 vs Q2 2022
2021 Q1 vs Q1 2022
Annual 2021
+ 9.5 % + 9.5 % 10 %
KAIA P & C Marketplace Reports can be found by logging into our website and going to Infohub .
Dave Hulcher is the Executive Director of KAIA , where he has served for over six years . A graduate of Virginia Tech with a Finance degree , he previously worked in the professional liability program at Big I for almost 17 years . He is passionate about helping agencies improve their operations to better meet consumer needs and increase profitability .