KIA&B Nov/Dec 2022 | Page 33

er ’ s forms are not reviewed and approved by the Kansas Insurance Department , it ’ s important that an agent read , understand , and communicate the forms ' info to clients .
From a practical standpoint , it ’ s always important to do the following :
1 . Obtain a signed application from the client 2 . Confirm any and all coverage discussions with an underwriter in writing . As we lawyers sometime say , “ If it hasn ’ t been said in writing , it hasn ’ t been said !” 3 . Discuss coverage changes with clients and get their agreement that changing carriers is the course of action they want to take . 4 . Send the new policy to your client to ensure they have a full , complete copy of the policy and an opportunity to review it .
5 . Document , document , document ! Regardless of whether it ’ s a producer ’ s conversation with a client about building valuation or an account manager discussing vehicles & drivers , it ’ s important that every conversation be entered into your management system as soon as possible .
The increased re-marketing that naturally occurs in a hardening insurance marketplace is an important and helpful part of the value proposition of an independent agent . However , it can also be the source of increased E & O exposure and we ’ re here to help you minimize that exposure as much as possible .
A graduate of Kansas State and the University of Kansas , Beth Smoller briefly worked in private law practice before entering the insurance industry . She joined the KAIA in 2018 after working for an independent insurance agency for 13 years . At KAIA she oversees ASCK ( including the E & O program ) as well as providing legal guidance to members .

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