Valerie Dunnam ASCK Account Manager
Carolyn Rouse ASCK Account Manager
Working with WAHVE gave me the opportunity to meet several people that I would have never met in my career . Having the opportunity to work remotely has been a life saver for me , as I have moved several times in the last two years , without my remote job this would have been impossible . It allows me to continue to meet and communicate with team members and customers , no matter where life takes me . It does not matter if you are in the sunny state of Arizona , Kansas , Nebraska or Indiana , as long as you have the communication source and you talk with your team members and customers you continue to build relationships and meet new people every day !
Working with WAHVE opened an avenue for me that met my goal for semi-retirement . Working remotely allows for the flexibility I was looking for after a long career primarily working outside of the home . One of the more surprising aspects of working remotely with WAHVE was the connections I have made with other team members within the organization as well as the people outside of our organization ! As a team , we share ideas and collaborate through phone meetings , Teams messaging and Zoom meetings . The relationships that have been built over the time I have been with KAIA / ASCK have been very rewarding . people per week using a simple ACE model . In each case , your communications should be purposeful , open , and honest . During the conversation , choose one of the options below :
A – Ask for input on a work project , idea , or plan that does not necessarily fall within that person ’ s typical job duties . You can leverage their expertise and apply it to something in your job . This simple act of asking for input helps build relationships and can benefit widening perspectives across teams .
C – Check-in and be curious . Call and ask the person about something you know is meaningful to them , whether family , hobbies or upcoming vacations . If you don ’ t know much about the person ’ s personal life , this is a perfect opportunity to be curious and show interest . Ask them about their career , how a particular work goal is progressing , or what they like to do in their spare time . Seek to learn and share something new . The intent is to purposefully build the camaraderie that developed among coworkers when they used to see each other in the hallways at work .
E – Encourage others . Encouragement is often overlooked as a way to build communication and relationships . Take the time to simply recognize another person for their efforts , attitude , and contributions . Thanking a team member on a team call or sending a short email can go a long way in a person ’ s day . You can recognize or thank someone at any level of the organization for efforts , large or small .
No matter what you choose , the point is to make sure you ’ re proactively making an effort regularly to build communication and relationship skills . The best remote workers in this new world will be those who give effort and deliver results while mastering the art of intentional communication and relationship-building . Without all of these elements , you ’ ll be missing critical keys to your team ’ s success .