KIA&B July/August 2021 | Page 37

HawkSoft is for Commercial and Personal Lines agencies that value a meaningful , long-term relationship with a privatelyowned company that drives its product roadmap from user feedback and agent-driven conversations .
HawkSoft Features : » Commercial Lines » Personal Lines
» API Integrations & Marketplace
» Accounting » Claims Management » Commission Management » Comprehensive Farm Module
» Contact Management » Document Management » Insurance Policy Management » Insurance Rating
HawkSoft provides live , immediate support with each phone call answered , on average , in under two minutes and with 97 % first-call resolution . Regional HawkSoft User Groups ( HUG ) meetings give agencies ongoing training on the software and general business concepts .
» No contracts » Privately owned » Live support
» Ongoing training and robust Help portal with short training videos & articles
» Free HawkSoft User Group membership ( HUG ) » API integration with leading vendors
Thank you to HawkSoft for caring about farms because other big systems that we looked at did not seem to have a focus on servicing farms . HawkSoft helps us write comprehensive farm policies and bridges the gaps that exist in other systems .
Jeff Joseph Farm & Country Insurance , NY
Our transition to HawkSoft and the work that your company has done receives an A +. The quality human interaction with myself and my IT director , and the multiple phases that we had to go through to execute over 12 years of data from one agency system to another , was an extremely pleasurable experience . Paul Hawkins and everybody inside the organization made the transition of our multi-state , multi-location operation pleasing .
Mike Stansbury Elite Insurance Solutions , TN
To schedule a demo of HawkSoft visit : www . hawksoft . com / demo email : sales @ hawksoft . com