KIA&B July/August 2021 | Page 29

$ 1,000,000 umbrella coverage . Are you talking to your truckers about higher umbrella limits ?
Should you be ?
LIFE // We are becoming a society whose large debts are becoming more common . Many of our customers , be they farmers , manufacturers , retail owners , or personal lines , have significant debt . This past week , I visited with a dirt contractor customer and discovered he had over $ 2,000,000 in debt from buying newer equipment . I asked him if he had a life insurance policy to protect against that debt , and he said no . The result was a nice new term policy for me and life protection for his family . Are you communicating with all your customers about life insurance ?
Should you be ? E & O // If you are doing your job , hopefully , you will not need to use your E & O . If you are not , you are opening yourself up to possible claims . KAIA and ASCK encourage you to look at SwissRe / WestPort for your E & O if you have not already . While you are at it , check your limit . With all the potential claims out there , are you increasing your own limit by $ 2-3 million ?

Be Wise !

Let Barb help you find coverage to reduce your risk - saving you time and money .
( 785 ) 289-9240 BWise @ kaia . com