KIA&B July/August 2021 | Page 27


By : Commissioner Vicki Schmidt
Many of us have daily , weekly , even monthly routines . It is our norm , it ’ s comfortable , and we know what to expect . The pandemic pushed all of us out of that comfort zone , and while it was uncomfortable , I think we all learned there are multiple ways to get things done .
Government is perhaps the worst offender when it comes to routine . Often , things are done the same way for years simply because “ that ’ s the way we ’ ve always done it ,” which is a terrible reason to do anything . A few things we are doing at the Department are shifting the way things have always been done .
First , we are halfway through the implementation of Senate Bill 37 , the Department ’ s Producer Licensing Reform . A key component of that legislation is requiring all agents / agencies to have an up-to-date email address on file with the Department . It might sound silly , but it will result in actual savings and efficiencies . After January 1 , 2022 , we ’ ll be able to communicate more efficiently via email instead of through the U . S . Postal Service . That change alone will save the Department an estimated $ 50,000 in postage a year . For some perspective , the Producer Licensing division currently makes up 60 percent of the Department ’ s postage costs in a year .
Secondly , the Department recently announced a moratorium on securities fees . The Legislature agreed to stop sweeping monies from the securities fee fund , and instead of letting that money pile up , we ’ ve decided to halt fees for one year , providing relief to those paying into the fund . In the meantime , we ’ re going to spend the year evaluating just how much securities regulation costs , with a plan to adjust our fees appropriately .
Change is hard , but it is also constant , so government reform is a MUST to use tax dollars and effectively serve Kansans efficiently . You can count on me to always ask questions ( probably a few too many ) and be thoughtful in my approach to changes in the Department .
It is an honor to serve you and your families . If there is something you think can work better or help other Kansans have a better experience with the Department , please share it with me at kid . commissioner @ ks . gov .
Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt is both a lifelong Kansan and Republican . She worked for more than 40 years serving Kansas families and seniors as a local pharmacist . It was her pharmacy experience and commitment to bettering Kansas that drew her to run for the Legislature . Vicki became the voice for reform . She represented Shawnee and Wabaunsee counties for 14 years , including six as the Chair of the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee . On Nov . 6 , 2018 , Vicki was elected as Kansas Insurance Commissioner . She became the first pharmacist to serve as Kansas Insurance Commissioner and is the only pharmacist in America to hold a statewide office .