KIA&B Jan_Feb23_FINAL2 | Page 8

if you are managing commercial producers , you have a clear guideline .
Have clear guidelines of what you ’ ll write : This includes : quality accounts , revenue goals , market availability , and clients who value your expertise . When they do not meet your guidelines , no matter how big of an account it may be , you walk away .
Practice your walk away : This builds confidence and minimizes the awkwardness because you ’ ve practiced .
When you ’ ve identified you ’ re in a gray area : When you ’ re qualifying a prospect , set a timer of how long you ’ ll invest in the process . When the timer goes off and there ’ s no clear home for the account , it ’ s time to be kind and walk away .
Become disciplined with practicing these . Your time is valuable ; you want to spend it on the highest value targets .
If you avoid prospecting , more often than not , it ’ s time to get disciplined in your practice . Prospecting is the number-one activity that will set you apart from the average lot of producers .
Here are some tactics to adopt :
Time block : Set a daily golden hour to make calls . This includes :
• Calling customers to generate referrals
• Calling on expiration dates Tip : Check out AppX Commercial Insurance Sales Training Course for a prospecting plan
Plan networking events : Research and schedule them on your calendar ahead of time
Block a few times per week to be out of the office : Plan it so you don ’ t get trapped in the office
Set a goal : Create a weekly and daily plan for how many calls to make . Write these goals down and track them . Remember , these are lottery tickets , and they need to be scratched !
Grab a buddy : Prospecting together is way more fun and this also creates accountability strategies
Plan a reward : If you reach your prospecting goal , plan a reward for yourself
Find a regular accountability partner : We all need help doing the hard things
Retaining clients takes effort , but it ’ s possible with the right communication . Let ’ s train clients to go to the right team when they need something . We understand that the client is your paycheck . Trust the process and build a great relationship with your servicing team and the client .
There will be mistakes and wrinkles . Plan on it ; it ’ ll happen even if you try to take over servicing . Your role is played out on the field . Leave it all on the field .
Plan your week and be out of the office : You ’ ll be less likely to dive into service work when you ’ re at appointments . If you need help with what to do out of the office , we suggest a commercial insurance sales training course .
Build relationships with the service team : Don ’ t prejudge ; they ’ re not haters . If you think of the service team as clients , you ’ ll lean toward building a relationship with them . Bees with honey ; they may put your work to the top of the pile . Say thank you , consider gifts from time to time when they help you close a deal . Account managers thrive on recognition . It ’ s their contribution to a winning process for the agency .
Introduce clients to the service team : Clients may