KIA&B Jan_Feb23_FINAL2 | Page 6


AND HOW TO AVOID THEM written by Kelly Donahue-Piro , Agency Performance Partners
In our work with hundreds of agencies , we ’ ve been able to observe and identify the top traps in time management for insurance agents that commercial producers face . If any of the following sounds familiar , don ’ t worry , you aren ’ t alone . These are common , and now is the time to re-evaluate your approach .
As we review these challenges , we ’ ll provide clear actionable solutions to help you master your time and sell more insurance .
Chasing prospects who aren ’ t the best fit : A lead is a lead , but producers can be like a dog with a bone . We get so caught up in the sale that we ’ re not thinking clearly . Many producers don ’ t walk away from an opportunity that looks like garbage . This is because there ’ s a lot of gray area . A few examples include :
• You receive a referral from a good client , but the prospect is not a good fit , yet you feel obligated .
• You receive a lead that looks good , after underwriting , it ’ s questionable , but you ’ ve already spent time on it .
• You ’ re low on your sales goal for the month , so every lead is critical and thus gets chased .
• You haven ’ t had commercial insurance producer