KIA&B Jan_Feb23_FINAL2 | Page 23

OPERATIONS many to fully outline – but let ’ s try to cover a few of the main advantages :
1 . Saving time figuring out processes 2 . Reduction of mistakes 3 . Improved employee efficiency 4 . Simplified training process 5 . Reduction of potential E & O claims


Saving Time Figuring Out Processes Bear with me on this advantage , because I know the initial work of putting together an agency procedures manual is a monumental task that takes a tremendous amount of time . It does ! However , once you ’ ve undergone the initial investment of time , regular and periodic attention to your procedures manual is much less of a time investment yet the return should be great .
Investing the time into creating your procedures manual will force your entire staff to sit and analyze the various processes your agency conducts each and every day . You will force your account managers and producers alike to think about several questions such as :
• What are our service standards ?
• Does this particular process comply with appropriate laws and regulations ?
• Does one person perform this process better and faster than somebody else ? And if so , how ?
There are an infinite number of questions and scenarios you can address through a procedures manual , but by going through the process of creating and implementing a procedures manual you find one workflow that works for each of your processes and you stick with it .
Reduction of Mistakes Mistakes are inevitable and they will occur . Every agency wants to improve its accuracy and minimize or reduce errors as much as possible . An agency procedures manual helps reduce or eliminate mistakes in two primary ways . First , it sets forth the
The Sample Agency Procedures Manual is a template designed for both personal and commercial lines workflow . It is critical that if you decide to implement this manual , you must customize it to your agency ’ s procedures , and that once customized and implemented , you follow it .
Failure to follow your written procedures and to update it when procedures change can result in a client alleging and errors and omissions claim against your agency . We recommend you begin by downloading the template document then read the general instruction for your agency ’ s management team .
* You will be prompted to login with your Big “ I ” membership credentials to access this resource .
DOWNLOAD IT NOW AT https :// eoguardian . com / sampleagency-procedures-manual /