KIA&B Jan_Feb23_FINAL2 | Page 19

• How do you feel about your pay and benefits ?
• Do you feel our organization has a good life / work balance ? If not , what can we do to improve ?
• Where do you feel you are going in your career ? Do you have some one-year and five-year goals we can help facilitate ?
• Would you come to us if you were considering going elsewhere or received another offer ?
Stay questions are flexible . As the conversation progresses , other logical questions may arise . Do not be afraid to stray off the suggested questions .
The Benefits of Stay Interviews The stay interview can have several benefits in addition to keeping a great employee . Here are a few of them :
• Stay interviews build trust . They make employees feel valued and “ heard .”
• With input from a current employee , you may find your onboarding of new or transitioning employees is ineffective . With input gleaned in the stay interview , you can improve your onboarding processes . Stronger initial mentoring and development increases the likelihood of keeping that new hire .
• You can improve workflow processes by pushing some tasks like administrative functions to lowerpaid employees .
• You can tweak benefits , when possible , to improve candidate attraction .
• You will build stronger employee / manager relationships .
• You may be surprised by your employee ’ s career path desires and can help improve other departments using their talent .