KIA&B Jan_Feb23_FINAL2 | Page 17

June 21-22
CIC Agency Management
Jan . 13
Free Friday Ethics
June 23
Free Friday Ethics
Feb . 6-8
Annual Convention
July 14
Free Friday Ethics
Feb . 10
Free Friday Ethics
Feb . 14
CISR Agency Operations
Feb . 15-16 Feb . 17
MARCH March 8 March 10
CIC Insuring Company Operations CISR Insuring Commercial Property
Kansas Agents ’ Legislative Day Free Friday Ethics
Aug . 8
Aug . 9
Aug . 10 Aug . 11
CISR Insuring Personal Auto Exposures
CISR Insuring Personal Residential Property
CISR Personal Lines Miscellaneous Free Friday Ethics
March 21 March 22-23 March 24
CISR Commercial Casualty I CIC Commercial Multiline CISR Commercial Casualty II
Sept . 15 Sept . 19
Free Friday Ethics CISR Elements of Risk Management
Sept . 20-21
CIC Commercial Multiline
April 4-5 April 11
April 14 April 26
April 27
Ruble Graduate Seminar
Get Your Financial House In Order Webinar
Free Friday Ethics
CISR Insuring Personal Auto Exposures
CISR Insuring Personal Residential Property
OCTOBER Oct . 13 Oct . 17 Oct . 18-19
NOVEMBER Nov . 5-7
Free Friday Ethics CISR Agency Operations Ruble Graduate Seminar
Mid America Insurance Conference
MAY May 1-2 May 12 May 16 May 17-18 May 19
President ’ s Classic Golf Tournament Free Friday Ethics CISR Life & Health Essentials CIC Personal Lines CISR Personal Lines Miscellaneous
Nov . 10 Nov . 14 Nov . 15-16 Nov . 17
DECEMBER Dec . 5 Dec . 6-7
Free Friday Ethics CISR Commercial Casualty I CIC Commercial Property CISR Insuring Commercial Property
CISR Commercial Casualty II CIC Life & Health
JUNE June 7
CISR Elements of Risk Management
Dec . 8 Dec . 15
CISR Life & Health Essentials Free Friday Ethics
Register at KAIA . com / Education or call us at ( 785 ) 232-0561
Schedule subject to change . Please visit the online Education & Events Calendar for updates .