Dan Scott Retires from
Kansas Mutual Insurance
After 44 years in the industry, Scott is
retiring as CEO of Kansas Mutual Insurance
Company. Prior to Kansas Mutual, Dan
worked for two other insurance companies.
He started out as an Underwriting
Supervisor and climbed the ranks to CEO.
He is a three-time President of the Kansas
Association or Property & Casualty and
past President of the Kansas Committee on
Arson Prevention.
graduate of Wichita State and holds the CPCU, AU and AINS designations. Matt also has
been an integral part of the EMC team, helping the Wichita/Dallas Branch meet their
goals. Congratulations, Gary and Matt!
InsurPac Pledge Contest
Last year’s InsurPac fundraising campaign set a nationwide goal of $1.1 million. The
Kansas agents share of that goal was $25,700. Thanks to those who contributed, Kansas
agents met their contribution goal to help InsurPac advocate for your business!
As stated in previous newsletters, the top two InsurPac contributors during KAIA’s
InsurPac Pledge Contest period (Oct. 6-Dec. 31, 2017) will get their names added to
placards on the wall in the Larry Magill Education Center. A third name placard will
In 2014, Dan was recognized as Company be awarded to the person who made the highest total contribution in 2017 and doesn’t
already have a placard on our wall.
Representative of the Year with the
KAIA. On behalf of the independent
agency system, we thank Dan Scott for
his many years serving the industry and
wish him the best in retirement. If you
see someone who looks like Dan cruising
around in a red ford with the top down,
it’s most likely him, so be sure to wave.
Dwight Tully Retires from
Columbia Insurance Company
Working for Columbia Insurance Company
since 1997 means that Dwight has been
serving the Kansas industry for more than
20 years. His dedication to the industry
shows, as he has spent his entire career in
the independent channel. He’s described
as simply “one of those dedicated to doing
things the right way,” as his nomination
for the Company Representative of
the Year read in 2017. Dwight has also
served as president for the KAPCIA, the
Underwriting Executive Council and as
Mayor of Cimarron, KS. On behalf of
KAIA and our members, we wish Dwight a
wonderful retirement.
Here are the pledge contest winners:
Top 2017 Contributor (who doesn’t already have a placard): Lyle Davidson
First-Place Pledge Contest Period Contributor: Ron Bolz
Second-Place Pledge Contest Period Contributor: Mark Lowry
Thanks to our contest winners, and all who continue to contribute to InsurPac, for
all you’ve done for the Kansas independent insurance industry!
Save the date!
August 2-3,
Lake Milford
EMC Marketing Team Changes
EMC Marketing Manager Gary Alford moved
to the EMC Denver Branch to assume the
position of Assistant Denver Branch Manager
on Feb. 12, 2018. He will assume the position
of Denver Branch Manager on May 2,
2018. Gary has been an asset to the Wichita
Branch and Dallas Office for more than 20
years in both underwriting and marketing.
As the Marketing Manager, Gary has been
instrumental in helping EMC reach their
growth and profit goals.
Registration open soon
Matt Fellers, formerly Wichita Branch
Underwriting Supervisor, assumed the
position of Wichita Branch Marketing
Manager on Feb. 5, 2018. Matt started
his career with E MC in May 2007. He is a
| January - February 2018 | KANSAS INSURANCE AGENT & BROKER