KIA&B 2018 Vol. 23 No. 1 | Page 11

YAK YOUNG AGENTS of KANSAS Lynsee James Years in Industry: 10 Email: [email protected] Office phone: 913-652-2231 HOW DID YOU GET INTO THE INDUSTRY? As it seems like everyone in the industry says, I fell into it. I started as a receptionist. I left for vacation and when I got back, all of my things were in a box. I thought for sure I was getting fired but instead I was being moved to the back office to learn farm and home. Shortly after that, I got my license and I’ve been at it ever since! WHAT BENEFITS DO YOUNG AGENTS BRING TO THE INDUSTRY? For starters, we are chameleons. The ability to easily adapt to our ever changing industry is in our blood. Whether it is new technology or changes to the marketplace we have the capability to look at this industry with a new perspective which helps keep us moving forward. Also, with technology playing such a big role in our industry, we have the ability to translate the tried and true sales process online. The times are changing, and every day we see more and more people that want to initiate the sales process on the web or via email. HOW DO YOU SEE THE INDUSTRY CHANGING IN THE NEXT 5-10 YEARS? I think we will see a rise in InsurTech. Our customers are getting more and more technologically advanced. They want things and they want them now. We need technology that allows us to do business faster, smarter and more efficient than we currently are to stay relevant. I see our major carriers teaming up with those InsurTech companies to accommodate that change in the market. WHO/WHAT HAVE BEEN YOUR GREATEST RESOURCES IN THIS INDUSTRY AND WHY? My agency principal, and past KAIA President, Lee Hays. I have held a couple of different positions within the agency, each evolving with my strengths. He has always encouraged me, and everyone in our agency, to attend all of the education seminars that we can and learn as much as possible. He has also made it a point to get me involved in the KAIA and Young Agents of Kansas (YAK). Lynsee James Every single event I go to I make a connection with a new young agent or agency principal, further building my network of resources. WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST REWARD AS AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT? The power of choice! I love having the capability to tailor solutions for our customers’ needs at every stage of their lives. WOULD YOU ENCOURAGE YOUR OWN CHILDREN TO BE IN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY? Absolutely. This industry will always be a necessity and there really is a place for everyone. There will always be a need for good talent whether you are an actuary, claims adjustor or an account manager. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE WITH PRINCIPALS WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE BUSINESS MORE THAN 10 YEARS? Don’t be afraid to mentor! Insurance isn’t something you can simply learn from a book. Share your strategies. Share your war stories. It a great way to help retain those quality employees. WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE PLANS? I want to learn as much as I possibly can. I am a giant operations nerd so my pipe dream is to open my own consulting firm. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO AN INCOMING YOUNG AGENT? 1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. There truly is no such thing as a stupid question. 2. Network with other young agents. The YAK is a great way to do that. It can sometimes feel like we operate on our own island. You would be surprised to hear how many others out there have the same struggles as you do. 3. Don’t be afraid to start at the bottom. The base of everything is taking care of our customers and you can’t forget that. | January - February 2018 | KANSAS INSURANCE AGENT & BROKER 9