KIA&B 2017 Vol. 22, No. 4 | Page 28

Clients for Life : From First Sale to Long-term Relationship

John Chapin
I ’ ve had a lot of people ask me about client retention because it ’ s something I ’ ve been very successful at over the years . On that note , here ’ s how I did it from the initial sale all the way through the entire long-term relationship .
Steps to take with the initial sale :
Step 1 : Verbally thank the client for his business when you close the sale .
Step 2 : Review expectations and what will happen next . Whatever your particular steps are , go over these steps with the client and let him know how and when he will be kept up to date .
Step 3 : Ask the client if he has any final questions , thank him once again for his business , and reiterate when he will next hear from you or someone from your company .
Step 4 : Send a handwritten thank-you note the day you get the order . Sign the thank-you note in blue ink and include your business card .
Step 5 : Introduce other team members they might be working with .
Step 6 : Follow up and deliver what you say you ’ ll deliver . At a minimum you must deliver what you say you will , when you say you will . Ideally you ’ ll deliver more than you say you will . Always try to give something extra .
Step 7 : Call or stop by in-person before , during , and after initial delivery of the product or service . It ’ s particularly important in the beginning of the relationship to communicate often . This may feel like micro-managing and it is . You have to ensure everyone does what they ’ re supposed to do and everything goes smoothly on this initial sale . It ’ s best to follow a check-list .
Step 8 : Survey the client on how you did . Do this step inperson or on the phone . What did you do well and what could have been done better ? Note : Depending upon the size and significance of an order , it may be appropriate to thank a client with more than a thank-you note . You may also do this for more than just the initial order . Here are some various ways to do that :
• Small gifts : golf balls , nice pens , cups , etc .
• Gift certificates
• A gift to one of his favorite charities
• An investment in client ’ s business or something else they are involved in
• Vacations or trips to trade shows and other industry events
Next , shift your focus to building a life-long relationship .
Step 9 : Reach out 18 to 26 times per year . Reach out in a variety of ways : phone calls , e-mails , regular mail , in-person visits , Fed-Ex , etc .
a ) Three contacts : Send out a holiday , birthday , and anniversary card . In addition to sending out holiday cards , you can send gift baskets , bottles of wine , champagne , and other items to your best clients . Also , Thanksgiving and New Year ’ s cards ( potential fourth and fifth contacts ) stand out because few people send them , but I ’ d still send a December Holiday Card .
b ) Here are some other ways to reach out to clients 18-26 times .
• Send cards for promotions , new babies , and other celebratory events .
• Send get-well cards .
• Visit clients in the hospital .
• Send items pertaining to their interests and hobbies such as books and t-shirts .
• Act on personal information about your clients ’ family members and send out notes to acknowledge graduations and similar events .
• Get your clients on the mailing list for company publications .
• Develop your own newsletter or monthly article and send it out to your clients .
• Attend events sponsored by clients .
• Do business with your client and send them business if possible .
• Send copies of industry articles that may affect their business or simply be of interest .
• A good business book or resource Note : You are an expert . You are expected to be learning , reading , and passing applicable and valuable information on to your clients and prospects .
• Send information out on new products .
• Send promotional items .
• Donate money to their favorite charities or events they sponsor .
• Drop by with baseball tickets .
• Take clients to lunch , dinner , other sporting events ,
26 KANSAS INSURANCE AGENT & BROKER | July - August 2017 |