Lucas Raleigh
Years in Industry: 9
Contact Info: [email protected]
How did you get into the Industry?
I have always had a connection with insurance. I am the
third generation to own the agency. I moved back after
college to work with my aunt, who is also my partner at
the agency.
What benefits do Young Agents bring
to the Industry?
Young agents bring new ideas and energy into the
industry, and view things from a different perspective.
How do you see the Industry Changing
in the next 5-10 years?
I believe technology will be the main factor changing
our industry over the next 5-10 years. Whether it is the
client experience or more streamlined processes on the
company side, technology will always be evolving. We have
to stay out ahead of the changes to stay competitive and
assist our clients.
Who/What has been your greatest
resources in this industry and why?
I would have to start off by saying my aunt. She brought
me on during a tough stretch for our family after losing
my father, her brother, and the principal of the agency.
She gave me all the trust in the world and taught me how
to do business the right way. Other agents have also been
a great resource to bounce ideas and questions off of.
Lucas Raleigh
What is your greatest reward as an
independent insurance agent?
Knowing that I am there to help my friends, neighbors, and
clients protect themselves when it matters most.
Would you encourage your own
children to be in the insurance industry?
Of course. The flexibility in the industry is amazing. You
are in control of your own destiny. I would love to see the
fourth generation take over someday.
What advice would you like to share
with Principals who have been in the
business more than 10 years?
Be willing to be a mentor to a young agent. I have been very
fortunate to have one over the past 5 years to bounce ideas
off and ask for help.
What are your future Plans?
I want to continue to grow the agency and add value to our
current clients.
Tell us 3 tips that you would give to an
incoming young agent?
1. Get involved with the Young Agents. I wished I would
have become more involved sooner.
2. Find a mentor. The knowledge and experience they have
is invaluable. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or for
3. Keep educating yourself. There is always something else
to learn. Educational classes are out there so take
advantage of them.