2016 Big “I” National Legislative Conference
A Learning Experience for All
Guest columnist Spencer Davidson: Spencer Davidson is the 13 year-old son of KAIA member and President Elect, Lyle Davidson, from The Davidson
Agency, Delphos, Kansas; Spencer is in the 8th grade and attends Minneapolis Jr. High School.
From Kansas to Washington
month and a couple weeks ago some independant
insurance agents from Kansas had an interesting
visit to our nation’s capitol. They enjoyed their stay
and had nice dinners along with meetings. They had
laughs and chuckles, but at the end of the week they had their
“A” game on insurance.
Many visited the capitol on Tuesday night of a tour by our
representative: Mike Pompeo. He showed his visitors to the
house floor while answering their questions. Then, he
took them to the Speaker of the House balcony that arguably has
the best view of Washington. He was very friendly and probably
had a conversation with each of his about 70 Kansas visitors.
On Wednesday night, the agents enjoyed a very nice dinner at
1789 restaurant, in Georgetown. The food was exquisite with
many foods you don’t find in Kansas. One spectacular dish was
the Spanish Octopus on the first course.
On Thursday, the members described some bills to
congressmen. They talked to each representative and senator
from Kansas. Starting with Huelskamp, the Kansas delegators
discussed flood, crop, and health insurance and why or why
not they should vote yes on a bill. Some also discussed the risk
retention act and the department of labor. The congressmen
agreed with the agent’s thoughts, and said they would benefit
from their visit.
After Huelskamp and Moran in person along with Pompeo’s
staff the agents had a nice lunch at an irish bar. They finished
the afternoon with Pat Robert’s staff, Yoder in person, and
Jenkin’s staff. After this everyone was tired and finished the
night with a nice dinner with a resident of Washington.
Many agents didn’t get a long chance at sightseeing, but I,
Spencer Davidson, son of Lyle Davidson, enjoyed the sights of
D.C. Especially, how everything there has a name or purpose.
It was fascinating to be in the same room Abe died in and see
200 year old marble or stone. From the Smithsonians to the
monuments it is a lot to take in.
Also, the great sports teams that Washington has. Bryce Harper
and the Nationals along with the Stanley Cup chasing Capitals
Top: Spencer Davidson, enjoying his meal of Spanish Octopus
shows there is a ton great sports teams to be excited about.
I saw the Nationals play the Braves and enjoyed an early
hitting attack with a final of 6-4 Nationals. Then, on Thursday
I relished the Capitals first playoff game along with a win 2-0
over the Flyers.
So, D.C. has almost everything you can think of to ask for.
Anyway, several of our agents had meetings on Friday. Nearing
our end on Saturday, there was a nine hour long board of
directors meeting.
Then, Sunday was the day all of the agents flew home to their
families and homes in Kansas towns. Although our time in D.C.
was fascinating I think most were ready to be out of crowds
and back to tumbleweeds. I loved spending time and meeting
with agents, and I hope they enjoyed my company too. Kansas
insurance has been important to our state and has affected all
the other states whether they realize it or not.
I have learned so much about my dad and his operation in the
last week, and now I understand why he comes home so stressed
This week showed me how important it is Kansas keeps
insurance and how important it is to love how you don’t hear an
ambulance or car honk every time you step out your front door!