KIA&B 2016 Vol. 21, No. 6 | Page 6


We ’ ve Been Keeping a Little Secret

W hen I came to KAIA there were two things that

I knew - our staff was going to work hard day in and day out to make a difference for our members and that we are were going to do it in a transparent , ethical way . Unfortunately , in early November I realized that KAIA , and other state associations for that matter , were keeping a secret from their members . In good faith I feel obligated to share what I learned because it truly has an impact not only on our members but the entire insurance industry . The secret , which it will be no longer , is that for years member agents from 20 Big “ I ” state associations have assembled annually at the Mid- America Insurance Conference ( MAIC ) to work with industry groups like ISO , ACORD and NCCI to advocate for changes to forms and processes that will enhance the experience of their clients . Okay , so maybe it isn ’ t really supposed to be a secret but when you keep that kind of value-adding process under wraps it sure seems that way .
I ’ d heard about the MAIC when I was with the Big “ I ” national office from Bill Wilson ( Big “ I ” Virtual University / Ask the Expert ) and from my counterpart at Swiss Re / Westport , Richard Lund . They nudged me to participate but my schedule was never conducive to being able to attend . KAIA has an active role in working with the MAIC board and managing the event so there was no excuse this year , I was going . I am glad I did because I was blown away by what I saw and compelled to share it .
Day 1 : Agent members from about 20 states gather around a huge rectangular shaped table , there ’ s a feeling of comradery and purpose in the room . Many of the agents in the room are representing the technical affairs committees from their respective states and are some of the best insurance technicians in the industry . Also , sprinkled in are some education directors and state association executives . This is the preparation day where the group discusses agenda items that have been submitted throughout the year and if these changes should be brought to the ISO . Many of these suggested changes include coverage enhancements or clarifications .
Day 2 : The room is filled with more carrier representatives and we are joined by members from industry groups . This is a day of robust discussions with ISO about updates on prior topics and suggested enhancements . Just by listening to these discussions your insurance IQ jumps several points . The pros and cons of changes to form
DAVID HULCHER KAIA Execuitve Director
language or the developments of endorsements are batted across the room like ping-pong balls . There were so many great discussions and topics thoroughly debated . Below is a flavor of some of the issues that were discussed :
• UM / UIM coverage for farm equipment
• Volunteer hired autos
• Actual cash value definition
• Social engineering fraud coverage
• Optional medical payments
• Replacement cost coverage for other structures
So as a KAIA member , why should you care about the MAIC ? First , you should feel good that you support an organization that goes to bat to enhance the experience of the insurance consumer . It shows how much independent insurance agents care about clients and the value that we bring . Are there any of the direct writers investing their time and expertise to make a difference ? Secondly , it is important to know that your association is working behind the scenes in so many ways to support you and add value . Check out www . kaia . com / MAIC for a quick video interview with members of KAIA ’ s Consumer Technical Advocacy Committee ( CTA ) sharing their experience at the MAIC .
Finally , it is worth sharing that if you ever have a technical coverage question or have identified an issue the association may be able to help . The members of the CTA committee are here to support you . The Big “ I ” Virtual University and its Ask the Expert service are resources that all member agency staff can access . There is also the Big “ I ” Virtual Risk Consultant and the Big “ I ” Professional Liability Website – E & O Happens that may help . If you are unfamiliar with either give me a call and we can talk about how they can help . Remember if you have a problem or don ’ t know an answer KAIA wants to be the first place you go to for help . And , going forward we ’ ll do our best to be sure there are no secrets .
4 KANSAS INSURANCE AGENT & BROKER | November - December 2016 |