KIA&B 2016 Vol. 21, No. 6 | Page 3

November / December 2016 Vol . 21 , No . 6
The bimonthly magazine of the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents




President Lyle Davidson | lyledavidson @ thedavidsonagency . net
President-Elect Scott Strong | sstrong @ strongsinsurance . com
VP / Treasurer Lee Gleason | lgleason @ kfsa . com
Secretary / Assistant Treasurer Kristy Wilson | kwilson @ kellermaninsurance . com
National Director Cindy Hower | chower @ kellermaninsurance . com
Immediate Past President Dusty Davis | ddavis @ ici . insurance
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Zone I Director Jo Erin Stuteville | joerin @ elliottinsurancegroup . com
Zone II Director Kevin Campbell | kcampbell @ unitedagencyks . com
Zone III Director Doug Smart | doug @ smart-ins . com
Zone IV Director Lucas Raleigh | lucas @ raleighinsurance . biz
Zone V Director Jolene Biggs | biggjo @ insurance-planning . com
Zone VI Director Alan Schlesener | aschlesener @ kellerleopold . com
Director at Large Monica Meininger | snelinc @ ucom . net
Director at Large Ron Bolz | bolzins @ embarqmail . com
Director at Large Chad Fuqua | chad @ fuquainsurance . com
Director at Large Kevin O ’ Brien | kevin . obrien @ reillyinsurance . com
Young Agents Chair Cooper Chapin | cooper @ stephens-ins . com
KAIA STAFF & CONSULTANTS Executive Director | David Hulcher Director of Agency Operations | Bob Harris Vice President-Finance | Shannon Bower Vice President of Marketing & Membership | Joan Sutton Events and Education Coordinator | Morgan Schultz Director of Communications & Technology | Nicole Schings Senior Insurance Services Representative | Sherri Snyder Insurance Services Representative | Amanda Hanson Insurance Services Representative | Katie Hobson Office Assistant | Barbara Cobuluis AScK Consultant | Colin Davidson Legal Counsel | Will Larson
10 60 is the New 55
11 2017 Rural & Small Conference
cover story KAIA President Lyle Davidson
20 KAIA Board of Directors and Staff
24 Annual Audit of Kansas Self-Insurance Pools
26 Leading the Sales Team to Victory
Kansas Association of Insurance Agents 815 SW Topeka Boulevard | Topeka , KS 66612 785.232.0561 | 800.229.7048 www . kaia . com


President ’ s Message 2 Industry Partners Program 3 Executive Director Message 4 Commissioner ’ s Column 7 Young Agents Profile 8 Agency Profile 22 Company Profile 28 Continuing Education Classes 29 New Members 30 Kansas Filings Report 31
POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Kansas Insurance Agent & Broker , c / o Kansas Association of Insurance Agents , 815 SW Topeka Blvd ., Topeka , KS 66612 . ( 785 ) 232-0561 .
Kansas Insurance Agent & Broker ( ISSN # 1069-1847 ) is published bimonthly by Agency Services Corporation of Kansas ( AScK ), a subsidiary of the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents , 815 SW Topeka Blvd ., Topeka , KS . ( 785 ) 232-0561 . Periodicals postage paid at Topeka , KS 66612 , and additional mailing offices .
The Kansas Association of Insurance Agents was formed September 1 , 1992 , through the merger of the Professional Insurance Agents of Kansas ( PIAK ) and the Independent Insurance Agents of Kansas ( IIAK ). The Association is affiliated with the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America ( IIABA ).