KIA&B 2016 Vol. 21, No. 6 | Page 10

Years in Industry : 2 Contact Info : bryce @ hundleyinsurance . com

Bryce Hundley , AFIS

Years in Industry : 2 Contact Info : bryce @ hundleyinsurance . com


Bryce Hundley
How did you get into the Industry ?
I suppose it ’ s in my blood . I am a 3rd generation independent agent . My grandfather , Bob , founded the agency in 1952 , my father , David , later joined him in 1983 , and I joined the business in early 2014 .
What benefits do Young Agents bring to the Industry ?
Young Agents have fresh ideas and bring a substantial amount of energy and determination to succeed .
How do you see the Industry Changing in the next 5-10 years ?
I see communication through technology and social media being a key factor when it comes to sales , service , and relationships . As Independent Agents we must evolve with our clientele to become a part of their future .
Who / What has been your greatest resources in this industry and why ?
My father , no doubt , he has been a salient educator and supporter throughout my life . He has taught me everything I have learned about the business . Showing me that generosity , as well as integrity , are key factors when running a successful business . children to be in the insurance industry ?
Definitely , the success and rewards that come with the career path are immeasurable .
What advice would you like to share with Principals who have been in the business more than 10 years ?
My advice to the principals is to share their knowledge and personal experiences to counsel new agents who are eager to learn . We , young agents , could not do our job without guidance from veteran independent insurance agents .
What are your future Plans ?
My future plans include continuing my insurance education and taking advantage of the KAIA Young Agents Network to better myself as an independent insurance agent , all while doing my part in the growth of Hundley Insurance Services .
Tell us 3 tips that you would give to an incoming young agent ?
1 . Find an educated mentor and listen to the advice they have to offer . 2 . Take advantage of the continuing education available to you . 3 . Become a valiant member of the Young Agents Group .
What is your greatest reward as an independent insurance agent ?
To me , my greatest reward is the opportunity I have to better myself and utilize the resources available to protect what my clients have worked so hard to achieve .
Would you encourage your own
8 KANSAS INSURANCE AGENT & BROKER | November - December 2016 |