KIA&B 2016 Vol. 21, No. 5 | Page 6

The mission of the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents
Agency Services Corporation of Kansas

Missions are Critical

T he first week of September I had the opportunity

to attend the Big “ I ” national ’ s Fall Board meeting in Chicago along with Kansas Board member Cindy Hower and incoming President Lyle Davidson . For those that have never attended a national board meeting , it features a giant horseshoe of state representatives from all 50 states and the District of Columbia , with state board member alternates sitting dutifully behind them . While I ’ ve attended many of these Board meetings as a member of the Big “ I ”’ s national staff for almost 20 years , this was the first one I ’ d attended as a state association executive . Maybe it was this change of perspective that made me take notice of things that I may have taken for granted in the past .
Throughout the meeting the IIABA mission statement was consistently on the screen . The mission read : “ Provide members with a sustainable competitive advantage .” I liked that this helped the group keep the Big “ I ”’ s mission top of mind . But , I wondered how many of our members have ever seen KAIA ’ s mission statement , much less the national association ’ s . I think
DAVID HULCHER KAIA Execuitve Director
it is critical that members of KAIA are aware of not only our mission statement but of the products and services that we offer to help accomplish it . My hope is that every year when it is time for our members to invest in their agencies by paying membership dues , that they realize that at the heart of both KAIA ’ s and IIABA ’ s mission is to help them be successful .
As mentioned above , mission statements are critical , but so is understanding the products and services provided that allow the Association to achieve its mission . Below are some facts about the products and services that KAIA offers :

The mission of the Kansas Association of Insurance Agents

• To meet the professional development and business needs of independent agents in KS .
• To represent the interests of the industry before government and regulatory bodies .
• To encourage integrity and high ethical standards .
• To inform our members and the public through a private , non-profit , member-driven association .

Agency Services Corporation of Kansas

The mission of AScK is to generate non-dues revenue for KAIA by providing high-quality insurance programs and services that will help assure the success of its membership and the insurance companies with which they work .
4 KANSAS INSURANCE AGENT & BROKER | September - October 2016 |