Kgolo Mmogo Booklet | Page 70

ASSESSMENT Reflect in the group. What have they learnt about their children's development and what have they learnt about promoting resilience in their children? APPLICATION IN PRACTICE Mothers are given the task to take 15 minutes or more a day to spend with their children; to give them a hug, tell them they love them and play with them. They must give feedback in the group at the beginning of the next session. CLOSURE Discuss the way forward and preparation for the next session. Next week's session addresses the second part of knowing and understanding my child. Discuss the children's group session. In this session the children practised identifying other's emotions, and they looked at effective ways in communicating with the people around them. CHILDREN'S HOMEWORK The mothers must encourage their children to show them the skills they learnt in their (the children's) session. Remind the mothers to praise their children for their efforts - even if the task was not perfectly done - and to give positive criticism. "Your child's homework is to identify certain tasks he or she is good at: for instance washing the dishes, looking after his or her brother or sister, washing a baby, making food, making the bed, cleaning the garden, planting vegetables, making tea, etc". The mothers are asked to go back home to practise these skills and to demonstrate them at the next session. "Will you please help your child to identify the skills she or he is good at and help her or him to practise them." HIV Intervention Programme for the ENHANCEMENT OF CHILDREN'S RESILIENCE 67