Kgolo Mmogo Booklet | Page 116

DECISIONS AND CONSEQUENCES Aim: To learn that there are consequences for the decisions we make Materials: An egg and bowl; glass of water; candle, match Guidelines: Demonstrate the cause-effect relationship by dropping an egg into a bowl to make it break, tipping over a glass of water to make it spill, and blowing on a lit candle to extinguish it. Discuss cause and effect relationships by asking the following questions: - What does any action do? (causes something else to happen) - What do people's actions do? (cause something else to happen; cause other people to do something) - Do we have a choice about how we behave? - Can we cause good things to happen instead of bad things by the choices we make? Ask what can happen if the following happens: - Someone is nice to you - Someone tells a funny joke - Someone calls you a bad name Explain that a person's behaviour can have causes and effect just like those shown by the egg, water and candle demonstration. ACTIVITY 2: USING PICTURE CARDS, READ ‘THE MAN IN THE HOLE’ STORY Activity 2: ‘The man in the hole’ Linah and Joseph were two children the same age as you are. They loved their grandmother. They loved their grandmother's stories. One day, their grandmother said, "I am going to tell you a story about thinking. This is a story about thoughtfulness. That means good thinking is very important. Here is a story about how to think better." So the grandmother told them this story. The grandmother said: "Many years ago, a man was coming back from the mines to his home. He had worked for many months. Now he was going to visit his family. He walked for hundreds of kilometres. He walked for many days. There was no other way to travel. HIV Intervention Programme for the ENHANCEMENT OF CHILDREN'S RESILIENCE 113