Keystone Prospectus Chinese Version English Version | Page 14

K EYSTONE 3 T HE CHINESE T HR E A D: MOR E T H A N A C ONCEP T Traditions such as the Peking Opera come alive at Keystone. With the study of China’s past and present at the heart of our curriculum, Keystone Academy has emerged as a pioneer in contemporary education. The Chinese Thread is not just a concept: it is a curricular approach that instills in our students a masterful depth and range of knowledge. Achieved through coherent, methodical curriculum planning, innovative teaching pedagogies, and experiential learning inside and outside the classroom, the Chinese Thread weaves Chinese language and cultural history through all divisions, integrating with each division’s international curriculum. In the primary school, emphasis on Chinese language within our bilingual education ensures that the Chinese Thread weaves its way into all subject areas and elements of the program, academic and otherwise. In middle school, the Chinese Thread provides the main structure for two subject groups — Humanities (history, culture, geography, politics and society) and Arts (visual arts, music and dance). Students have opportunities to grasp a deep understanding of, and appreciation for traditional Chinese arts in wushu, music and dance, painting and calligraphy. With each successive year, students’ understanding of China expands. By the last year of middle school — grade 10 — students are ready to undertake an in-depth independent capstone project on a compelling aspect of China’s cultural history or traditional arts. In high school, students will prepare for college-level study with a comprehensive Chinese Studies course designed for Keystone in partnership with university scholars in China and the United States. The Chinese Thread works to impart to students the critical thinking skills that will make them leaders in the world of global finance, politics, and culture. It inspires in them a love for learning, a respect for their own traditions and cultural differences, and a passion for high-level scholarship. Students achieve a deep understanding of their own identity, of their world, and of the connections between the two. Binding together China’s powerful past and promising future in a way that develops pride and knowledge in all of our students, both Chinese and international, is the keystone that provides our graduates with a solid and confident understanding of their place in the world. 14