Keystone Magazine | Page 41

Q: Who or what has had the most influence on you in your career as an educator? A: I credit my parents with instilling in me my love for natural beauty and my appreciation for boarding school life. Growing up at a boarding school instilled in me my love for school community. I watched my parents mentor and act as parents to many young men and women who lived away from home and I saw the difference they made to each student and to their families. They planted the seed. My parents loved to explore and be outside, we were an outdoors family. My father, forever the geologist, biologist and botanist, pointing out examples of every land formation and type of tree as we hiked the New England mountain ranges. I still get quizzed about tree species to this date! My mother, a natural storyteller, made every trip an adventure with maps, laughter and creative picnic lunches. Little did I know back then how much these childhood trips would come to define me as an adult and inform my love for being nomadic- living and working abroad and exploring the world. Another person who has greatly influenced my career path was Eric Widmer, my former Head of School at Deerfield Academy. He saw something in me, maybe my potential or perhaps my willingness to work hard and advocate for students… he expressed his appreciation for my interactions with students. He promoted me to Dean of Students - a job that best fits my interactions with students. I have a tendency to want to help others and by focusing on student life and by utilizing my training as a counselor, the role affords me great opportunity to push students and get them to see themselves in ways they might not have imagined. I believe everyone, children and adults, needs someone to believe in them. People need “cheerleaders,” those who cheer them on from the sidelines, and I have had some pretty excellent cheerleaders in my life! I am very grateful for the support I’ve had and am so eager for our Keystone Academy students to arrive so that community life can truly begin here on our campus! Wendy Bradley with husband Sean Terwilliger (Deputy Director of IT) in Cambodia 39