Keystone Magazine 英文小 | Page 19

Cover Story
Keystone ’ s college counseling program ’ s ultimate goal has been to provide individualistic and holistic approaches to guiding our seniors in the highly competitive college application process . For this , the counselors have maximized on school and after-hours boarding time to get to know the students better and in different ways .
“ The opportunity to interact with students outside of the academic context allows for deeper connections and observing the students in a variety of situations requiring exposure of different talent sets and character traits ,” explained College Counseling Director Ms . Yan . As such , the counselors have attended theater productions and participated in dining hall discussions in addition to accompanying our seniors on college visits and introducing them to admissions representatives .
This wide array of support services allowed for developing strong bonds with our Class of 2018 and counseling them towards finding suitable fits with higher education institutions through research and reflection , and helping our students plan their careers and lives . “ Since primary school , my goal has been to enroll into a prestigious liberal arts college in the U . S . and I have worked toward that target for many years . Last August , after I consolidated my college options , and was almost ready to apply , I had a sudden change of heart due to a series of events and conversations ,” explained Jacky Liang ‘ 18 .
“ I ’ m very grateful for the assistance and guidance that my college counselor gave me throughout the entire process . Since our first meeting , Ms . Yan has been an advocate for colleges that really suit me , and she has respected my decisions every step of the way . I think she and I together found the right balance , or like a middle ground , between me making all the decisions and being overly confident about myself , and her steering my college choices , and hence , the life of any young adult for the next four years ,“ reflected Jacky Liang ‘ 18 .
Autumn 2017 marked the dawn of a new journey for Keystone and the Class of 2018 as nearly 20 of the 47 seniors sent off applications to colleges and universities through the early admissions cycle . The remaining members of the class opted to apply through the regular admissions cycle . By mid-December , the early admissions cycle applicants combined had received more than 25 offers from institutions in the U . S ., Canada , Australia , the U . K . and Switzerland , providing a wealth of options to our seniors to help them achieve their dreams .
This list of acceptances expanded , including 12 offers of generous financial packages in spring 2018 , when all of our students were rewarded for their academic and personal achievements and learned of further acceptances into institutions around the world . “ They certainly have grown in every way during their time at Keystone and I ’ ve been impressed with the way the class as a whole grasped their role as leaders and pioneers from Grade 9 on . They will always be a special group in the school ’ s history ,” offered College Counseling Consultant Martha Lyman .
Keystone ’ s college counseling has helped our Class of 2018 to advocate for themselves , discover their passions and push their dreams . “ If I want to know what I am supposed to be in the future , I have to try my dreams one by one ,” shared Andy Li ‘ 18 . “ Every single one , no matter how crazy , could provide me something new . Dreams are achieved not by thinking but through practice . Practice cannot guarantee that my dreams will come true , but it brings me a step closer . I will probably also realize some of those dreams are not things I enjoy , but I won ’ t know until I try them . I still don ’ t know what my future path will be , but for now I am only focused on the process . If I think big and also do big , I ’ m sure I will find my path one day .”
The Keystone Magazine 16