Keystone Magazine The_Keystone-07 | Page 61

Special Report of global warming. Moreover, due to krill fishing, preserve the continent. The implementation of the penguins and other Antarctic animals are now treaty would benefit not only Antarctica but also living with the constant threat of hazardous human all of the nearby high seas, which account for two- activity. This is undoubtedly a wake-up call for thirds of the entire ocean area. humanity to better protect the Antarctic with more thorough and effective measures. Every time we climbed a slope, I would invite all of In our expedition group, there was a scientist who a snow-covered hilltop to feel and be one with the has been pushing for the establishment of the authentic Antarctic silence. the volunteers to sit together during our break atop Antarctic Marine Protected Area. I learned from him that the marine protected area is important When other tourists on the boat saw us sitting in as it can help rein in human activities and protect silence, we would explain to them our reasons the many habitats of Antarctic creatures. In the behind this activity and remind them to use caution meantime, it can also eliminate the interference of when speaking loudly. I suggested to the captain of human activities, making it easier for us to observe the expedition team and her crew to engage in a whether climate change or human activities are the one-minute sit-in or stand-in at each landing, and dominant factors in shaping modern Antarctica. I named it “60 Seconds of Silence”. On December 24, 2017, there was an encouraging Everyone on the expedition team liked my proposal piece of good news for the global community. The and confided in me that they would seriously con- United Nations General Assembly created a treaty sider doing this activity in future trips. I was very resolution to formally launch intergovernmental pleased to be able to bring about such a change. I negotiations on the conservation and sustainable hope that someday, when I visit this land of purity use of biodiversity in offshore areas in Antarctica. again, I will be amazed by its unchanged beauty and In my opinion, this is a very good step to help serenity. The Keystone Magazine 57