Keystone Magazine The_Keystone-07 | Page 27

Graduate Profile at Keystone. It was during these long, reflective fit requires time and dedication to learning about moments running along scenic beaches in California each student and their particular needs. This that this idea was born. What began as a CAS methodology is crucial in assisting students to (Creativity, Action, and Service) project quickly find the right future environment where they can developed into Keystone’s first cross country club. continue their academic and personal endeavors “Keystone doesn’t have a cross country club, so I’d rity as global citizens, a defining characteristic of while maintaining a strong sense of self and integ- never done it before La Jolla,” Steven explained. all Keystone graduates. “At La Jolla, I chose that sport because it helped me to integrate into the community there, build During his quest, Steven turned to former peer friendships, and aided a lot with my personal Phoebe Sun, Keystone Class of 2018 and Middlebury development. We trained every day and ran for Class of 2022, who also embodied the spirit of about 7 to 8 kilometers. As I continued with the service and demonstrated the power of service sport, I spent lots of time reflecting while running learning at the Academy. After receiving confir- along beautiful coastlines in California. Our club mation from Phoebe that the Liberal Arts college at Keystone started with very few members, but had a great academic community that cultivated now we’ve expanded to include teachers and even small group discussions and supported students in younger students. It’s a great way to explore the their quest for intellectual expression and freedom, local environment outside of the gates at Keystone Steven submitted an early decision application and immerse yourself in the local culture here.” to Middlebury. The Keystone connection at the college also proved to be a significant point of interest, as it represents a home away from home Middlebury College for Steven. Upon receiving his acceptance letter, When it was time to apply to colleges and univer- waiting for him across the Atlantic. he was delighted to know that a connection was sities this academic year, his student exchange experience in California was one of his prime moti- When he arrives in the verdant hills of Vermont, vators in applying to schools in the US. Steven will study economics, a social science disci- pline deeply rooted in understanding humans and “Everyone that I encountered in the US was so the world that we shape. Naturally, he was inspired passionate about the subjects that they were to pursue Economics by his Keystone teacher, Mr. teaching,” Steven said. “I really enjoy small group Heitmann. “I always assumed economics was discussions, which is a very unique teaching style shrouded in bureaucracy, and I did not have a that I found not only at Keystone but also at La positive impression of economists,” Steven joked. Jolla and I knew I wanted to continue that after my “When I met Mr. Heitmann, I couldn’t believe that time here.” he studied Economics! He is always dressed in such colorful clothes with quirky patterns. I became Steven’s college and university research began interested in the field because of him. He deepened at home with Keystone’s inaugural graduating my interest in the discipline through suggested group, the Class of 2018. The Office of College readings outside of the class syllabus, as well as his Counseling, which offers highly personalized passion for teaching the subject. I’m excited to take guidance and support to all students and families all that I’ve learned at Keystone to Middlebury, and at the Academy, believes that each student is I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for unique and so is each school, so finding the right me in the US.” The Keystone Magazine 23